Beauty assessment



So what is it – beauty?
Beauty aspects and their objectivity.
Geometric aspects of facial beauty.
Golden section and ideal beauty.
Experimental proof.
Distribution curve for deviation from ideal beauty.
Beauty Rank and Deviation from Ideal Beauty.
And here it is – “Beauty”!



So what is it – beauty?

You can learn from encyclopedias that beauty is a category that depends on the harmonic combination of some aspects of an object determining some category of perfection.   That's it, quite a complicated definition. But you can get it that beauty is a collective characteristic. To understand beauty, one has to understand and assess some aspects…

What is a beautiful face then? And where are those very aspects of an object that tell us about the category of perfection? What do these aspects depend on and can they be objectively assessed?



Beauty aspects and their objectivity.

And aspects vary quite a lot! They include biological characteristics (for example, complexion…), geometric properties (symmetry), cultural peculiarities (well-known haircuts that used to belong to the Afro culture are now popular in different parts of the world), social aspects! It is a whole bunch of various criteria and opinions that change with time.  Where's the way out?

We will not assess beauty depending on this variety of beauty aspects. And we do not actually need it because people of different cultures, social positions, ages may perceive these aspects quite differently… We will settle on the geometric aspects of beauty – they can be assessed objectively and they are somewhat “stable” as compared to opinions and views. We think that any other beauty assessment based on other aspects is not objective.



Geometric aspects of facial beauty.

We can single out the following geometric facial characteristics: deviation from the average, deviation from symmetry and deviation from the golden section.

Currently, the average height of a man on the planet is 1.65 meters and the average height of a woman on the planet is 1.54 meters. We can accept that the height of 1.54 meters

  • uponlyseo